
301 North Lake Ave.
7th Floor
Pasadena, CA 91101


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    Construction Defects

    Buildings can suffer from a variety of defects, such as poor design, use of inferior materials, or incorrect handling and installation.  Sometimes problems surface while the building is under construction and delay the completion of a building.  Other times problems can fester out of sight — below ground, between walls, or throughout the rafters, and years may pass before visible signs of defects appear.  The financial investment which owners make in new construction, or in the purchase of a new building is tremendous.  Whether it is your home, office, business, or investment property, discovering defective work and living through the dispute process and corrective action is extremely stressful.  Regardless of the nature, causes, or extent of building defects, the experienced and skilled Los Angeles Construction Defect Lawyers of Hunt Ortmann will be able to assist owners to quickly identify and assess the problems, develop a plan to address or remedy the problems efficiently, and to protect your rights and investment, while providing support and guidance through such difficulties.

    Hunt Ortmann construction litigation attorneys also defend builders, and assist them to resolve disputes.  Responding to construction defect claims can cripple a construction contractor, tradesman, or materialman.  Litigation can interfere with business, and bring work on ongoing projects to a standstill.  Hunt Ortmann’s attorneys have assisted hundreds of construction professionals to resolve defect claims – either legitimate or mistakenly made, while minimizing the effects of a lawsuit on ongoing projects, and helping construction professionals avoid unnecessary disruption to their businesses. 

    Our Los Angeles construction defect attorneys have extensive experience handling construction defect claims regarding:

    • The Building Envelope:  including the roof, windows, doors, and exterior treatments.
    • Water Intrusion:  including ground water issues, seeping foundations and stem walls, defective sealants, and leaking roofs, doors and windows.
    • Grading and Soils: including landslides, subsidence, ground water intrusion, incorrect compaction, and building code violations.
    • Structural:  including masonry and concrete foundations, steel reinforcement, shear walls, load bearing walls, and trusses.
    • Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing.
    • Designer Liability:  including building code violations, faulty engineering, and inadequate plans, drawings and specifications.
    • Mold.

    If you are searching for a leading Los Angeles construction defect lawyer, don’t hesitate to contact Hunt Ortmann with any difficulties you are experiencing with construction defects.


    Our California construction defect attorneys routinely represent building owners dealing with a costly defect, as well as companies in need of a defense strategy.
    Attorney Images

    JoLynn M. Scharrer


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    Jeremy P. Cowan


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    Richard Mah


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    John D. Darling


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    Sarah A. Perry

    Senior Counsel

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    Patricia J. Wolfe

    Senior Counsel