
301 North Lake Ave.
7th Floor
Pasadena, CA 91101


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    Hunt Ortmann Seminar: Avoiding The Traps In Construction Contracts

    Presented by Hunt Ortmann attorneys Omel Nieves and Richard Mah in conjunction with the Southern California Chapter of the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA).

    Many construction disputes can be avoided by learning to identify the potential problem areas within construction contracts. Topics covered during the presentation will include change orders, indemnity, project scheduling, insurance and bonds, claims, and dispute resolution, among others.

    The difference between profit and loss on a construction project is more often due to problematic terms and conditions than it is to bad estimation. The same problematic terms and conditions come up time and again as the source of disputes. Before you issue or sign that next contract, you can improve your ability to spot these problematic clauses, understand what they mean, and learn how to address the issues they create.

    The seminar will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 23, with registration and continental breakfast at the Long Beach Marriott, 4700 Airport Plaza Drive, Long Beach, CA 90815.