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7th Floor
Pasadena, CA 91101


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    Hunt Ortmann Webinar: Change Order Basics And Best Practices In California

    February 7, 2018

    Understand how to best implement and administer changes and claims to preserve rights and mitigate exposure.

    Presented by Dustin T. Lozano. This statewide California topic is intended to provide you with unbiased information regarding change orders. The topic will briefly introduce you to change order basics: what is a change order, what types of changes are most often seen in the construction context, when is a change order properly sought, typical change order disputes and how to price change orders. The content’s focus will then shift to an examination of ways to mitigate risk through appropriate contract drafting and review. We will discuss the Spearin Doctrine and the realities of unforeseen and differing site conditions. The topic will then explain and highlight the important distinctions between private and public works. The content will also examine how to best implement and administrate changes and claims to preserve rights and mitigate exposure. The topic will conclude with an examination of the potential risks and pitfalls involved in change order disputes and the means and methods for resolving commercial disputes.

    Learning Objectives:

    • You will be able to define the importance of risk mitigation through contract drafting and review.
    • You will be able to describe change orders, typical change order disputes, and how to price change orders.
    • You will be able to explain the Spearing Doctrine and its impact in situations involving unforeseen and differing site conditions.
    • You will be able to review, and understand how to implement specific risk mitigation strategies and goals using appropriate contractual language.

    For a copy of the presentation click here.